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Vintage Wooden Working Decoy Mallard Hen 1940s

Vintage Wooden Working Decoy Mallard Hen 1940s

Regular price $69.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $69.00 USD
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This solid wood mallard drake decoy was produced in the 1940's using a duplicating lathe that gives it its characteristic grooved appearance. The majority of wood decoys sold commercially in the 1930’s-1940’s were made by factory decoy makers. The duck's fixed head has a long beak gnawed at the tip and it retains both inset glass eyes. The overall brown body has nicks and dents and paint loss. There are remnants of white and blue painted feathers on each side. The lead weight on the bottom is no longer there, so the duck sits flat on any surface. The decoy measures 17 inches from beak to tail, 6 inches in height to the top of its head and 5 1/2 inches across its breast. It weighs 1 pound, 11 ounces and given that it was a working decoy, it's in pretty darn good shape and displays great. © Visit our website at PYH 5407
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