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Primping Your Home

Vintage Art Doll African Handmade with Suede Storage Box Artist Signed 1998

Vintage Art Doll African Handmade with Suede Storage Box Artist Signed 1998

Regular price $175.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $175.00 USD
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This gorgeous handmade art doll depicts a beautiful African woman and is accompanied by a signed, dated handmade suede storage box. Her body is black velvet, unstuffed and floppy, decorated with metal beads, as is her black velvet turban. Her arms, legs and head are made of painted clay; her face and legs have painted scarifications, while her palms have carved ones. Her ears have loops and dangles of glass beads. She measures 16 inches long from the top of her head to the soles of her bare feet. The equally beautiful box is covered with pieces of brown, tan and black sueded leather that form abstract patterns. The scene on the top of the box reminds us of the desert, with a night sky above the sand, accented with metallic suns and moons. The ends of the box are shaped outward, rather than flat and the inside are covered in a black and orangey-tan floral pattern. The bottom is signed in black script "S.E. Trovesi 12-98" (not sure about that first initial). Measuring 12 inches long, 3 inches high and 7 inches front to back, the box weighs 3/4 of a pound. The art doll has a tiny hairline on her right wrist and a small amount of paint missing on her forehead and nose. The box has some minor wear at the edges and a dried droplet of liquid on one side of the lid (pictured) but both doll and box are striking, one-of-a-kind artworks that can be displayed together or separately. © Visit our website at PYH 5220
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