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Primping Your Home

ANTIQUE PARQUETRY Oval Lidded Wooden Box Handmade Walnut

ANTIQUE PARQUETRY Oval Lidded Wooden Box Handmade Walnut

Regular price $175.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $175.00 USD
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A handsome parquetry box, this old, handcrafted piece has a rarely-found oval shape. Measuring 11 1/2 inches long, 5 1/2 inches from front to back and 3 inches high with the lid on, it weighs 1 1/2 pounds. The box features a lid inlaid with a center starburst pattern surrounded with a scallop design that has a diamond at each point. All of the designs are hand cut and of mixed woods. The edge of the lid and the rim of the base are inlaid with a meander pattern of tiny light and dark rectangles. The lid is separate, not attached with hardware, and fits snugly---but only if put on correctly in the right direction. The sides of the box are highly figured burl veneer. The bottom is covered with faded green felt. This is a Colonial Revival piece, made in the first quarter of the 20th century. It's in good condition, with a vertical split at either end of the box (pictured) that does not affect the sturdiness. There are no missing pieces or other damage. Lovely to display and obviously made by a talented craftsman. © Visit our website at PYH 5452
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