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ANTIQUE Lidded Tin DOUGH RISER Large Tole Painted

ANTIQUE Lidded Tin DOUGH RISER Large Tole Painted

Regular price $159.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $159.00 USD
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This old tin lidded bowl was used in early 1900's kitchens to allow yeast dough to rise, snug and warm and covered to keep away flies. The lid, which is original, has a circular pattern of small vent holes around the wooden knob and two curved metal handles attached to either side of the bowl. Both the lid and the flared foot have been painted and "antiqued" with a reddish brown glaze. The lid and bowl were painted first in mustard yellow and the foot in red. Spaced out on the lid are three hand painted bunches of green grapes, along with their leaves and tendrils. The interior of both the lid and bowl and underside of the base were left unpainted and have some rust on their surfaces. This is a large size bread riser, measuring 17 1/2 inches in diameter across the lid and 19 inches from handle to handle. It's 7 inches tall, has a base 10 inches in diameter and weighs 3 pounds. There are minor dents in the lid and a few bends to the metal edges, all of which occurred before it was painted. The antique dough rising bowl makes a great centerpiece on a country kitchen or dining room table. © Visit our website at PYH 5180
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